Want to add customers who bought your products on Instamojo service to Sendy Email marketing software? If yes, I will show you how to do that in this guide.

To add your customer from Instamojo to the sendy platform, you need to use a webhook script to send data from the Instamojo platform to the sendy platform.

Add Instamojo Buyers to Sendy Email List:

  1. Download the Instamojo Webhook script to send data from Instamojo to Sendy

  2. Open the instamojowebhook.php file

  3. You need to change the below details

//----- Required Settings ----------//

$your_installation_url = 'https://sendydomain.com'; //Your Sendy installation URL (without the trailing slash) (REQUIRED)	

$api_key = '1qMxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNP'; //Your Sendy API Key (REQUIRED)
$payment_status = 'Credit'; //instamojo status you need to check (REQUIRED)

$list = 'ezxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxQw'; //To Which list you need to add instamojo buyer? Enter Sendy LIST ID (REQUIRED)


$api_key: This is sendy.co API Key. You can access your sendy API key by going to the Top right » Settings >> Your API key.

$payment_status: ‘Credit’; //Instamojo status you need to check. No need to Change. Keep it like this itself. (REQUIRED)

$list: Enter your sendy list ID to which you must add Instamojo Buyer. You can get list ID by going to Brands >> View all lists » ID (mouse hover to show full ID)

  1. Now upload this sendy webhook script to your server and take the URL path of that script. It should look something like the below…
  1. Now, go to Instamojo and open any of your products.

You will see the “Add Webhook” option in product settings. Paste the webhook URL that you got in Step 4 and save it.

  1. As soon as someone Buys that product on instamojo, Buyer name and Buyer Email address will automatically added to the sendy email list.

Test Instamojo Webhook:

If you need to test whether the webhook works, you can do it with the Instamojo webhook testing tool.

Visit: https://www.instamojo.com/webhook-testing-tool/

Under “Test Webhooks On,” choose your product from the list. Not all products will display, so don’t worry about that.

Now under “Enter Your Server URL,” enter your webhook script path, which you got from step 4 and press the “Send Webhook” button.

Within a few seconds, your email address will be added to your sendy email list that you configured in step 3.


1) Can you offer support?

Support is not required if you follow the instructions correctly. If you still need support, I can do it for additional charges.

2) I need some custom features. Can you do it for me?

No. Sorry.

3) Do you offer a refund?

No. Refund will not be offered on this script.

4) Do I need Zapier Integration to use this webhook?

You don’t need any external services like zapier to use this feature.

5) I have a question. How can I ask you?

You can send an email to arun (at) pkarun.com. I will respond within 24hrs.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them in below comment section.

Download the Instamojo Webhook script